• We specialize in strategic video and communications for Democratic candidates and causes.

  • We changed the game in political ads with an innovation that elevates content engagement.

  • We created an unprecedented Pollie Award Winning campaign that flipped a key electoral vote.

WATCH The untold story of our stunning innovation in politcal advertising that helped sink Trump and nearly made all the difference for Biden in 2020.


We created a unique Ad campaign for Nebraska’s 2nd District that led to unheard of viewer completion rates and sent Biden soaring in the polls, ultimtely winning NE2 by a larger percentage than any other state that flipped in 2020.


Our Democracy stands teetering. The upcoming 2024 election poses one of the most consequential tests our nation has ever faced. Our most cherished values, ideals and principles are under threat as never before.

Torn apart by partisanship without precedent, cries of fraudulent elections, conspiracy theories, fear and hatred with no bounds,  we now possess the capabilities to push back on these destructive forces from a myriad of new options never before available. These new opportunities can immediately redefine and reinvigorate our process, help restore our vital institutions, and bring fourth the very best and brightest into public office to serve.


We deploy cutting-edge PROPRIETARY AI TECHNOLOGY developed specifically for Umbrella Street SVC by our team of leading researchers in the fields of Machine Learning and Social Network Data Analytics.  Using probabilistic models, network algorithms, and modern statistical methods to predict and study the popularity of content, we are able to adapt and refinine our messaging to precision target the inteneded demos with precisely calibrated content. We have proven our video ads generate sky-high completion rates and move the needle with voters in the exact direction we point it to go. 

In 2020, working with a mere fraction of what others were spending, we successfully helped flip the electoral vote from Nebraska’s 2nd District. Using our unique, high-volume, elevated ad capabilities and modern targeted analytics, we proved, with astonishing ability, that a low cost model could be implemented and deployed to tremendous impact and results. We intend to use that same model, with influence and authority, to impact races in 2024 across the nation’s many battle ground states and districts.

Before that, in 2008, we saw a similar opportunity with the rise of social media and the web as politcal organizing tools. Working with Rock the Vote, we conceived and managed the largest youth voter registration drive in history, optimizing new online platforms to register 2.6 million first-time voters principally between the ages of 18 and 35.


With President Kennedy’s fateful words, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country,” resonating more powerfully today than ever, those of us willing and able, must rebuild. We must restore faith, belief and dedication to our Democracy. As in the past, we must open up our system to involve the very best and brightest, reinstilling the once common belief that politics is a noble calling, worthy of all efforts and sacrifices.

Nothing demonstrates this more than the situation in Ukraine. There, amidst the devastation, we’ve witnessed the rise of one man, Vladimir Zelenskyy, a television actor and comedienne emerging  from the private sector, propelled by passion, conviction and the determination of his beliefs, now regarded as amongst the most courageous and respected leaders on the world stage today. At perhaps its most precarious precipice in history, The United States must now ask and demand nothing less. We must insist upon the commitment to that which is greater than ourselves. No calling is more demanding. This great Nation can once again become the beacon of hope and light its always been, the preservation of all we’ve ever stood for taking precedent over all else.


In 2008 working with Rock the Vote, we conceived and organized the largest youth voter registration drive to date, optimizing new online platforms to register 2.6 million first time voters principally between the ages of 18 and 35.